Download EMG 7.1.2

The list of changes below are compared to the previous version EMG 7.1.1.

Changes below marked with an asterisk, “*”, includes a fix for a problem which potentially could cause the server to stop unexpectedly.

  • If message id database, “seqno.hdb”, did not exist it was not created
  • Return MGP error MGP_ERR_ROUTE when no route could be found and orphans not allowed
  • Save message option “USSD_SERVICE_OP” if present on received message
  • Error code from DLR_EXPIRES_ERROR was put in wrong field
  • Merge from EMG 7.0 – Submit and done timestamps in SMPP delivery report was reversed

Binaries are no longer provided for this version, as it is superseded by version 7.1.3.